From July 1, 2021 all GTINs for new DoC will be uploaded into electronic register.
On 29 January 2021, Decision No. 877 of 30 December 2020 of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was officially published. The document approved changes to the new procedure for registering declarations of conformity (DoCs) (regulated in decision No. 478 dd 31.07.2020).
The document entered into force from 8 February 2021 and will be valid until 1 January 2027.
According to the changes, if products are manufactured outside the territory of EEU countries, EAC declarations must also contain the following new information:
GLN – Global Location Number
GTIN - Global Trade Item Number
It was established a transition period during which DoCs can be registered without this number:
- GLN - until 1 July 2021, during this period it is allowed to indicate codes if available.
- GTIN - no transitional period, code is indicated immediate if available.
The electronic service for the registration of DoCs has currently the option of entering the GLN and GTIN codes. In case this information is missing, the registration of the declarations will be still possible till 1.7.2021.